Sunday, November 10, 2013

A Map of Registered Republicans and Democrats in Wake County

Here's my R code.  I utilized the R rgdal package for creating the maps.
This assumes that you've already got your voter data loaded into R.

roads <- readOGR("c:\\data\\poly\\wake_streets\\streets.shp","streets")
roadmap <- spTransform(roads, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))
county <- readOGR("C:\\data\\poly\\nc_counties\\NC_State_County_Boundary_NAD83HARN.shp",'NC_State_County_Boundary_NAD83HARN')
countymap <- spTransform(county, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))

plot(roadmap[roadmap$CLASSNAME == 'INT',],col='black',border='black', lwd=.5,axes=F,xlim=c(-79,-78.2),ylim=c(35.5,36.1))
plot(countymap[countymap$County == 'Wake',], add=T)
plot(roadmap[roadmap$CLASSNAME == 'USHWY',],col='black',border='black', lwd=.5, add=T)
points(vtx[vtx$party == 'REP','lng'],vtx[vtx$party == 'REP','lat'],col = rgb(255,0,0,50,maxColorValue=255),cex=.2,pch=20)
points(vtx[vtx$party == 'DEM','lng'],vtx[vtx$party == 'DEM','lat'],col = rgb(0,0,255,50,maxColorValue=255),cex=.2,pch=20)
title("Registered Wake County Republican or Democrats \n (sample of 35,000) - Oct 2013")

My data was collected from the following sources:
Voter registration information from the NC Board of Elections:
Mapping shapefiles from Wake county:

Geocoding the addresses was done by Texas A&M's Geoservices:

1 comment:

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