Saturday, October 15, 2016

PI Critter Cam Day 13: Pics on Startup

Today, we're going to get our PI set up to start looking for critters and take pictures at startup.  So, when I plug it into the battery, the PI will boot and be ready for action.  

We're using the pi-timolo package now to watch for and take pictures of these critters.  Included in the pi-timolo package is a bash script (program that runs in the Raspian terminal) that you can set to run on startup.  This is according to the pi-timolo's wiki.  To run this guy on startup, you stick a path to the program in the file rc.local

To alter rc.local, use the Terminal and type in sudo nano /etc/rc.local

This brings up the terminal's file updating/ word processing program.

Scroll down to the line right above exit 0 and stick in the filepath and file name.


After that, save the file with a ctrl + x, confirm you want to use the same file name with an Enter and you are done.  

Now, I'm going to put a big pile of birdseed in front of my pi, plug it in and see what I get at the end of the day.  

1 comment:

Oscar said...

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