Monday, November 11, 2013

Random Maps of Wake County Demographics

I've been playing around a lot with mapping data recently.  Here are some maps that represent voters in Wake County, North Carolina.  Each map represents a sample of 35000 voters collected from the North Carolina State Board of Elections in October 2013.  Each dot is a single voter and their residential location.

My data was collected from the following sources:

Voter registration information from the NC Board of Elections:
Mapping shapefiles from Wake county:

Geocoding the addresses was done by Texas A&M's Geoservices:

Sunday, November 10, 2013

A Map of Registered Republicans and Democrats in Wake County

Here's my R code.  I utilized the R rgdal package for creating the maps.
This assumes that you've already got your voter data loaded into R.

roads <- readOGR("c:\\data\\poly\\wake_streets\\streets.shp","streets")
roadmap <- spTransform(roads, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))
county <- readOGR("C:\\data\\poly\\nc_counties\\NC_State_County_Boundary_NAD83HARN.shp",'NC_State_County_Boundary_NAD83HARN')
countymap <- spTransform(county, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))

plot(roadmap[roadmap$CLASSNAME == 'INT',],col='black',border='black', lwd=.5,axes=F,xlim=c(-79,-78.2),ylim=c(35.5,36.1))
plot(countymap[countymap$County == 'Wake',], add=T)
plot(roadmap[roadmap$CLASSNAME == 'USHWY',],col='black',border='black', lwd=.5, add=T)
points(vtx[vtx$party == 'REP','lng'],vtx[vtx$party == 'REP','lat'],col = rgb(255,0,0,50,maxColorValue=255),cex=.2,pch=20)
points(vtx[vtx$party == 'DEM','lng'],vtx[vtx$party == 'DEM','lat'],col = rgb(0,0,255,50,maxColorValue=255),cex=.2,pch=20)
title("Registered Wake County Republican or Democrats \n (sample of 35,000) - Oct 2013")

My data was collected from the following sources:
Voter registration information from the NC Board of Elections:
Mapping shapefiles from Wake county:

Geocoding the addresses was done by Texas A&M's Geoservices:

Friday, November 1, 2013

Do Running Backs Drafted in Earlier Rounds Perform Better in the NFL?

It appears there is a decent correlation  (0.5, according to my calculations) between an NFL running back's performance and their their draft position.  I'm measuring performance using their career yard total.

This data does NOT include yardage for the 2013 season or players drafted in 2013.