Tuesday, August 30, 2016

PI Critter Cam Day 11: More Motion Detection

Ok, it's been 4 weeks.  So, the software should now be installed.

We'll test it out using the Github instructions.

To do this, we simply enter these two lines into the terminal one at a time:

cd ~/pi-timolo 

And our screen shows the process checking for motion at approximately one second interval.  That must be these "failed to set port info" lines.

If we wave our hand frantically in front of the camera, we see that the message changes (Found Motion).  It then tells us it captured a picture and added white text.

If I check out the /home/pi/pi-timolo/ folder, I see there are pictures of my waving hand!   So, I think we have a successful test.

Now, what do I do with this?  Well, I need an enclosure and I need to figure out how to make the PI run this program at startup.  I should probably also figure out how to make it stop also if I need to.  Maybe a button or a switch to kill the python switch?

Our initial box will just be an indoors one for further testing.  I think I've got some tupperware that I can use...

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

PI Critter Cam Day 10: Motion Detection

After a bit of a hiatus, I am back.

I think I'm going to attempt to use pi-timolo after reading this guy's blog, which appears to be very similar to what I want to do.  He's capturing hedgehogs and I'm capturing whatever comes along.  Other than that, our goals are very similar.

So, tonight, we're going to try and install the software.

Using his GitHub instructions, I installed the software, but this must've kicked off a system wide update as it's updating a ton of stuff.  I'm going to leave it running overnight and see what we end up with tomorrow...