Monday, April 24, 2017

Voting Districts Day 12: Coloring our Shapes

Last time, we were able to create a map through Python and Matplotlib with our shapefile consisting of all of the NC voting districts. This time, we want to map it, but give each shape a different color.  

This can be accomplished by providing the facecolor variable when we add our voting district shapefile patch collection with an array parameter instead of the 'green' that we provided it last time.  

Eventually, we want to specify a color by the chosen voting district.  That'll be for next time.  This time, we'll just create an array of random colors.

I do know that we'll have thirteen voting districts.  I'm going to create a dictionary consisting of each voting district number and a corresponding color:

color_switch = {0: 'teal', 1:'red',2:'blue',3:'green',4:'purple',5:'brown',6:'orange',7:'white',8:'black',9:'tan',10:'lightblue',11:'pink',12:'yellow'}

From there, build a list by looping through the number of voting districts, selecting one of those items, and appending it to that list we'll eventually use to color the shapes.  to select something at random, we'll use the aptly named random module.

import random
color_choice = [] #list for our colors

#for each shape in our shapefile, pick a random color and append to our color choice list.
for shape in shapes: color_choice.append(random.choice(color_switch))

And then apply the list as an array (thanks to numpy) when we add the collection to the map.  

import numpy as np
ax.add_collection(PatchCollection(patches, facecolor= np.array(color_choice), edgecolor='k',  linewidths=0.2, zorder=2))

And you get a map like so!

Here's all the code to create the map from the beginning:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #what I need to plot stuff to my map.
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap #what I need to create my basemap.
import shapefile #what I need to read the shapefile from the NC SBE.
from pyproj import Proj #module used to change our projection from the nc to the traditional

from matplotlib.patches import Polygon #used to convert our newly reprojected coordinates to a polygon/patch shape that matplotlib can plot.  
from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection #we'll be adding all of our voting districts to a patch collection and then plotting that collection.  

import numpy as np #allows us to better interact with arrays, which is the structure used with polygons/ patches.
import random #use this to select a random color from our voting district color dictionary.

conv_coords = list() #hold our converted coordinates here as we apply each set of converted coordinates that make up our shape.  
patches = [] #list/collection we'll be sticking our patches/polygons/voting districts into.  This'll pass as the points within our point collection.  

#projection type for the voting districts.
nc = Proj("+proj=lcc +lat_1=34.33333333333334 +lat_2=36.16666666666666 +lat_0=33.75 +lon_0=-79 +x_0=609601.2192024384 +y_0=0 +datum=NAD83 +to_meter=0.3048006096012192 +no_defs ", preserve_units=True)

vote = shapefile.Reader('ncsbe\\Precincts.shp') #creates an instance that has the lists of data we want.
shapes = vote.shapes() #lists of coordinates making up the shape for each voting district.

for x in range(0,len(shapes)): #for each voting district...
    conv_coords.append([]) #apply a new list to our main list consisting of all the shapes.
    for y in range(0,len(shapes[x].points)): #for each set of coords in the shape...
        lon, lat = nc(shapes[x].points[y][0], shapes[x].points[y][1], inverse=True) #convert the shape file points into traditional lat/long coords.
        conv_coords[x].append([lon,lat]) #write the converted coordinates to the new sublist. 
    patches.append(Polygon(np.array(conv_coords[x]), True)) #sublist consisting of all the shapes coordinates is complete.  append to patchcollection list.  

#dictionary that associates a voting district to a color.
color_switch = {0: 'teal', 1:'red',2:'blue',3:'green',4:'purple',5:'brown',6:'orange',7:'white',8:'black',9:'tan',10:'lightblue',11:'pink',12:'yellow'}
color_choice = [] #list to hold our color selections.

#for each shape in our voting district shapefile.
for shape in shapes: color_choice.append(random.choice(color_switch))

#create our basemap.
m = Basemap(projection= 'cyl', lon_0 = -80, lat_0 = 35, llcrnrlon=-84.9,llcrnrlat=33.5,urcrnrlon=-75.,urcrnrlat=36.6, resolution='i')

#create a figure/subplot that'll be our canvas for the voting districts.  plt is the main plot object.  
fig     = plt.figure(figsize=(20,6)) #provide a parameter for figsize to make a wide canvas (NC's long shape).
ax      = fig.add_subplot(111)

#add the general stuff we want on our map that comes with basemap.

#and with that subplot, apply our patch collection (all of our voting district shapes.
ax.add_collection(PatchCollection(patches, facecolor= np.array(color_choice), edgecolor='k',  linewidths=0.2, zorder=2))

#create a file with our basemap and plot overlay.
plt.savefig('vote_map_test_colors.png',dpi=600, alpha=True)
#and complete.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Voting Districts Day 11: Mapping Voting District Shapefiles with Matplotlib

Now that we can create the most basic of maps, let's see if we can build on top of that and apply our layer of voting districts.

Because the voting district shapefile is using a not so traditional projection with latitude and longitude coordinates that you wouldn't necessarily expect, we can't just simply use the straight forward method in matplotlib to apply the shapefile layer to the map.  

Instead, we have to convert the unorthodox coordinates to the traditional projection to match our map's base and then apply that conversion.  That conversion must be a set of polygons (or patches in a patch collections) that we can subplot on top of our basemap consisting of the state of NC.  

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #what I need to plot stuff to my map.
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap #what I need to create my basemap.
import shapefile #what I need to read the shapefile from the NC SBE.
from pyproj import Proj #module used to change our projection from the nc to the traditional

from matplotlib.patches import Polygon #used to convert our newly reprojected coordinates to a polygon/patch shape that matplotlib can plot.  
from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection #we'll be adding all of our voting districts to a patch collection and then plotting that collection.  

import numpy as np #allows us to better interact with arrays, which is the structure used with polygons/ patches.

conv_coords = list() #hold our converted coordinates here as we apply each set of converted coordinates that make up our shape.  
patches = [] #list/collection we'll be sticking our patches/polygons/voting districts into.  This'll pass as the points within our point collection.  

#projection type for the voting districts.
nc = Proj("+proj=lcc +lat_1=34.33333333333334 +lat_2=36.16666666666666 +lat_0=33.75 +lon_0=-79 +x_0=609601.2192024384 +y_0=0 +datum=NAD83 +to_meter=0.3048006096012192 +no_defs ", preserve_units=True)

vote = shapefile.Reader('ncsbe\\Precincts.shp') #creates an instance that has the lists of data we want.
shapes = vote.shapes() #lists of coordinates making up the shape for each voting district.

for x in range(0,len(shapes)): #for each voting district...
    conv_coords.append([]) #apply a new list to our main list consisting of all the shapes.
    for y in range(0,len(shapes[x].points)): #for each set of coords in the shape...
        lon, lat = nc(shapes[x].points[y][0], shapes[x].points[y][1], inverse=True) #convert the shape file points into traditional lat/long coords.
        conv_coords[x].append([lon,lat]) #write the converted coordinates to the new sublist. 
    patches.append(Polygon(np.array(conv_coords[x]), True)) #sublist consisting of all the shapes coordinates is complete.  append to patchcollection list.  

#create our basemap.
m = Basemap(projection= 'cyl', lon_0 = -80, lat_0 = 35, llcrnrlon=-84.9,llcrnrlat=33.5,urcrnrlon=-75.,urcrnrlat=36.6, resolution='i')

#create a figure/subplot that'll be our canvas for the voting districts.  plt is the main plot object.  
fig     = plt.figure()
ax      = fig.add_subplot(111)

#add the general stuff we want on our map that comes with basemap.

#and with that subplot, apply our patch collection (all of our voting district shapes.
ax.add_collection(PatchCollection(patches, facecolor= 'green', edgecolor='k',  linewidths=0.2, zorder=2))

#create a file with our basemap and plot overlay.
plt.savefig('vote_map_test.png',dpi=600, alpha=True)
#and complete.

and with that, we get a map with the voting districts.  Now we have to figure out how to apply colors to them so we can represent the different districts...

Monday, April 10, 2017

Voting Districts Day 10: Creating a basic map with Matplotlib

Last time, we converted our coordinates from the weird NC format to the standard lat/long format in anticipation of matplotlib needing a better format. 

This time, we are just trying to create something very basic.  I would love to just see a picture with North Carolina on it, for instance.  

So, the package that we need to do this from matplotlib is: 
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap

To create a basemap, use the following command:
m = Basemap(projection= 'cyl', lon_0 = -80, lat_0 = 35, llcrnrlon=-84.9,llcrnrlat=33.5,urcrnrlon=-75.,urcrnrlat=36.6, resolution='i')

There are a lot of properties in here.  lon_0 and lat_0 set the center point of the map.  llcrnrlon (left lower corner longitude), llcrnrlat (lower left latitude), urcrnrlon (upper right longitude), and rucrnrlat (upper right latitude) set the corner points of the map.  resolution seems pretty general.  h is really a high resolution, but i seems to be adequate for me.  Finally, projection appears to be the type of map.  cyl is the default value and, according to the matplotlib documentation, it seems to be the easiest to get along with.  I'm probably going to need that to deal with the custom North Carolina projections.  All the properties can be found here.

You can also add standard map stuff to your basemap, like coastline boundaries, state/ county/ country boundaries.  I want the coastlines and an outline of the state.

To plot my results, I'm going to need matplotlib pyplot package.  

Putting it all together...
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
m = Basemap(projection= 'cyl', lon_0 = -80, lat_0 = 35, llcrnrlon=-84.9,llcrnrlat=33.5,urcrnrlon=-75.,urcrnrlat=36.6, resolution='i')

#save a picture of our map.

And here's what we get!  We still need a little tweaking, but not too terrible.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Voting Districts Day 9: Back to Python for Mapping

Because of the large size of the resulting JSON file, I don't think I'm going to be able to use the leafletjs javascript module to create a map.  I think that Python is my best bet.  

Mapping in Python might not be so bad anyway.  Matplotlib has a bunch of tools available, particularly modules Basemap and pyplot.  

This page has a lot of great examples that I can use to better understand what's going on.  The trick, though, is getting my shapefile read into it...

Looking at the documentation, I have to figure out some way of dealing with projections again.  My voter district shapefile isn't the standard lat/long values. 
Pyproj has a great method where you can set the inverse property and spit out lat long coordinates from the weird NC coordinates.  So, I'll create a big list of all the coordinates of all the shapes after running them through this method.

import shapefile
from pyproj import Proj

vote = shapefile.Reader('ncsbe\\Precincts.shp') #creates an instance that has the lists of data we want.

shapes = vote.shapes() #create lists of coordinates making up the shape for each voting district.
#for each shape in the shapefile...
for x in range(0,len(shapes)):
    #for each point in the shape...
    for y in range(0,len(shapes[x].points)):

        lon, lat = nc(shapes[x].points[y][0], shapes[x].points[y][1], inverse=True) #convert the shape file points into traditional lat/long coords.

and that's going to give me some data that I can plot according to the documentation in matplotlib (I think).